If one thing Bungie has got right, it’s the replayability features of Destiny. Where Rockstar fails without a weekly GTA V event, Destiny’s Xur location on February 13 ensures that players keep coming back for more and coming back with a smile on their face.


We know that Xur hasn’t offered the wares that you would have liked the last few weeks, but he did offer the Ice Breaker a few weeks ago and that was a major deal considering it’s still arguably the best weapon in Destiny power leveling right now.

The week just passed, our Agent of the Nine offered the Plan C exotic fusion rifle – you can catch up on the news if you missed that here.

This Friday is another new location though and renewed optimism for many players, as they look to pick up the Gjallarhorn or the equally as impressive Suros Regime.

As always, the Xur location spawn time remains the same – Those on Eastern Time can expect him to appear in the tower at 4am on Friday February 13.
