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Runefest is held every year. Many RS players want to take part in this amazing party. In this year, Jagex will let all RS fans know what they will do in 2014 regarding Runescape. Let us have a quick look about this.
In the below, we will see the parts the Jagex will do in the next.

Part One

A preview of the 2nd World Event which has been confirmed to involve the two gods Armadyl and Bandos, who will be travelling across the world map trying to gain followers and influence. Players will also be able to opt into innovative open world PVP.
Part Two
The Invention Skill, which is a partner to the recently launched Divination skill and represents a technological leap forward within the game. This skill will allow players create their own gear and soul weapons which can be leveled up to increase their power as players progress through the game. They can also do runescape gold farming as usual.
Part Three
Upgraded matchmaking which will allow players to easily find other player who are interested in playing specific social content, allowing them put together teams easily without interrupting their gameplay.
Part Four
The Church of YOU – Over the past decade players have been central to all RuneScape content and are the world guardians, now they can start to amass their own followers to worship their in-game achievements.
RuneScape’s fan base and passionate community has always been one of the game’s enduring and great strengths, and RuneFest has again delivered a fantastic opportunity for us to engage with the most ardent of players,” said Phil Mansell, Executive Producer for RuneScape.
