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Fenkenstrain was a lonely scientist who lived in parts unknown

11 years ago

Dr. Fenkenstrain is a non-player character involved in the Creature of Fenkenstrain and The Great Brain Robbery quests. Players may pick his pocket to obtain a Ring of Charos.

At first Dr. Fenkenstrain was a lonely scientist who lived in parts unknown. Later on he decided to move into Morytania, but due to it being inhabited by werewolves he knew he would surely be killed. However, in order to avoid this, he obtained employment with a local rich human family who possessed the Ring of Charos, an ancient magic talisman that fools werewolves into thinking the human who possesses it to be another werewolf.

Fenkenstrain eventually decided to steal the Ring of Charos but he was caught by his master, Lord Rologarth, and Fenkenstrain was forced to kill him. With his master dead, Fenkenstrain was later caught by the other family members, and he killed them as well. With the family dead, Fenkenstrain took control of the castle and got rid of the bodies by selling them as meat for the Hair of the Dog inn in Canifis.

Eventually the family gardener started suspecting the disappearance of the family and a desperate Fenkenstrain sent him to dig graves in the woods. However, when the gardener left, Fenkenstrain followed him and decapitated him with a spade, turning him into the headless Gardener Ghost.

Since then Fenkenstrain has lived alone in the castle, however he eventually started recruiting a new assistant, leading to the events of the Creature of Fenkenstrain quest.