Hard Mode for Crota’s End is ready. We know you are, too. The first Fireteam to sink their teeth (and their sword) into the final boss (and by opposing, end him) will set the pace. We’ll be watching. We might even send the World First finishers some swag from the Bungie Store.


To the Moon!

Access the Raid by selecting the activity in your Director, and choosing the harder difficulty. With the release of Hard Mode, Level 33 is the new bar to clear. Configure those upgrades and get mean.


I can’t give you a playbook for how to end Crota this time. You don’t need my help, anyway. If you’ve experienced Hard Mode in Vault of Glass, you have some clues for how we can scale up a Raid. Prepare to take better care of your teammates. You’ll have fewer options for healing yourself, and each other. The enemies you’re about to face are stronger and more prone to temper tantrums. Be brave!


Loot! Aside from the usual thrill of battling aliens with your favorite weapons and your most trusted allies, Hard Mode beckons with treasures all its own. We reserved some coveted rewards for the best raiders among you. Killing Crota will give you all a fighting chance to earn them.
He then goes on to outline the new primary weapons that’ll drop on hard difficulty.

Everyone out there ready to do this thing? I sure am. If you still need to fight your way to level 32, to upgrade on the choice of Destiny Power Leveling, take a look at our advanced tips for the game.
If you’re still playing Destiny, chances are you’ve moved beyond beginners’ tips and …
